The Centre for the Developing Brain acquires as part of certain ethically approved studies data which can be shared in anonymized form with interested researchers.
This includes besides the large ERC-funded developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) a range of smaller studies for which the data will be made accessible here.
In order to use these data sets in your research, you have to provide your name, email address, institution and intended use on the interest form and sign the open access agreement. Finally, as defined in this open access agreement, usage of the data requires to cite and acknowledge relevant publications and funding sources provided below.
CDMRI MUDI challenge 2019
ZEBRA – Efficient joint Diffusion-Relaxometry MRI acquisition
Please find the interest form here and the Open Access Agreement below.
This work received funding from the Human Placenta Project (NIH 1U01HD087202-01), the Wellcome Trust (201374/Z/16/Z) and was supported by the Wellcome EPSRC CME (WT 203148/Z/16/Z).
Integrated and efficient diffusion-relaxometry using ZEBRA, Hutter, J., Slator, P. J., Christiaens, D., A. G. Teixeira, R. P., Roberts, T., Jackson, L., Price, A. N., Malik, S. & Hajnal, J. V., 11 Oct 2018, In : Scientific Reports. 15138 .
Complex diffusion-weighted image estimation via matrix recovery under general noise models,Cordero Grande, L., Christiaens, D. J. P., Hutter, J. M., Price, A. N. & Hajnal, J. V., 18 Jun 2019, In : NeuroImage.Cordero Grande, L., Christiaens, D. J. P., Hutter, J. M., Price, A. N. & Hajnal, J. V., 18 Jun 2019, In : NeuroImage.s